Friday, August 14, 2020

Counter-Transference in Therapy

Counter-Transference in Therapy Phobias Treatment Print Counter-Transference in Therapy By Lisa Fritscher Lisa Fritscher is a freelance writer and editor with a deep interest in phobias and other mental health topics. Learn about our editorial policy Lisa Fritscher Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on December 23, 2017 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on November 25, 2019 Nullplus/E/Getty Images More in Phobias Treatment Causes Symptoms and Diagnosis Types In psychoanalytic theory, counter-transference occurs when the therapist begins to project his own unresolved conflicts onto the client. Freud, in 1910, was the first to discuss this topic. Transference of the client’s conflicts onto the therapist is a normal part of psychodynamic therapy. However, its the therapist’s job to recognize counter-transference and do whats necessary to remain neutral. Although many now believe it to be inevitable, counter-transference can be damaging if not appropriately managed. With proper monitoring, however, some sources show that counter-transference can play a productive role in the therapeutic relationship. There are four manifestations of counter-transference: Subjective: the therapists own unresolved issues is the cause (can be harmful if not detected)Objective: the therapists reaction to his clients maladaptive behaviors is the cause (can benefit the therapeutic process)Positive: the therapist is over-supportive, trying too hard to befriend his client, disclosing too much (can damage the therapeutic relationship)Negative: the therapist acts out against uncomfortable feelings in a negative way, including being overly critical, and punishing or rejecting the client Counter-transference is especially common in novice therapists, so supervisors pay close attention and help them become more self-aware. The mental health community supports seasoned clinicians by urging them to seek peer review and supervisory guidance as needed. Rather than eliminating counter-transference altogether, the goal is to use those feelings productively. What Qualifies as Counter-Transference? Counter-transference is the therapists inappropriate reaction to his client. The therapist is reacting to an unconscious neurotic conflict within himself that the client has unearthed. How does a therapist know hes experiencing counter-transference? How do you know if your therapist is exhibiting the signs of counter-transference? The first sign is an inappropriate emotional response to the client. More specifically, when the client is an adult, common counter-transference reactions a therapist, or client, should look out for include: An unreasonable dislike for the client or excessive positive feelings about the clientBecoming overemotional and preoccupied with the clients case between sessionsDreading the therapy session or feeling uncomfortable during the session If your child is in therapy, you can also look out for other clues if you suspect trouble in the therapeutic relationship. When the client is a child, warning signs of counter-transference for the therapist include: Fantasies of rescuing the child from his situationIgnoring the childs deviant behaviorEncouraging the child to act out When It Can Be a Good in Therapy Although its important for your therapist to guard against feelings of counter-transference toward you, it can also produce good results. In a systematic review of 25 counter-transference studies, researchers found an association with positive counter-transference, such as feeling close to the client, and positive outcomes, including improvement of symptoms and a good therapeutic relationship. A Word From Verywell To drive your understanding home on counter-transference, here is an example. Mike became concerned when he developed protective feelings for a female client. In discussions with a colleague, he realized that the client reminded him of his sister, leading to counter-transference of those feelings. The 9 Best Online Therapy Programs

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